Exploration of a SWIO Blue Incubator/Accelerator to support inclusive economic development of coastal communities
Scheduled on February 8, 2022
Time: 12:00:00 - 16:00:00
Location: https://wwf.zoom.us/j/95331690683?pwd=UkNvbDJFckhKQlhzdzV2eCtZM2ZjUT09
The event will be a three day workshop form 8th February to 10th February 2022. The event is convened by World Wide Fund for Nature.
<p><strong>The objective of the workshop is:</strong><br />
<strong>1. </strong>To establish a vibrant community of practice across the region of those organisations working to support the sustainable development of coastal communities.<br />
<strong>2. </strong>To establish an ecosystem of partners/'coalition of the willing' who are interested in collaborating to explore the creation of a shared 'Hub' which can serve the region's coastal communities and organisations working alongside coastal communities to foster inclusive and sustainable blue economic development. It could, specifically support (a) on-ground interventions to provide capacity, resources and support to ideation, incubation and acceleration and b) facilitate seed/development funding and investment to scale projects through portfolio level strategies.</p>