4th World Small Scale Fisheries Congress
Scheduled on November 20, 2022
Time: 08:00:00 - 19:00:00
Location: Cape Town South Africa
<p>The 4th World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress series is part of IYAFA(International Year for Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (<a href="http://www.fao.org/artisanal-fisheries-aquaculture-2022/home/en/" target="_blank">IYAFA 2022</a>) which recognizes and celebrates the billions of people whose lives and livelihoods are artisanal fisheries and aquaculture around the world. SWIOTUNA participated in the 4th World Small scale Fisheries Congress (4WSFC) from 21st to 23rd November 2022 at Lagoon beach hotel in Cape Town South Africa.Theme of the Congress was leading by examples and leadership in sustainable small scale fisheries.</p>
<p>Purpose of the congress was to further collaboration in highlighting and recognizing the contributions of small scale fisheries to food security, protection of livelihoods and contribution to 2030 agenda and sustainable development goal 14.</p>