4th World Small Scale Fisheries Congress -Paper presentation
Scheduled on November 23, 2022
Time: 07:00:00 - 12:00:00
Location: Cape Town South Africa
<p>Prior to the 4th World small Scale fisheries congress at South Africa we had submitted an abstract on Ánchoring small scale fishers in the SWIO towards sustainable fisheries and livelihoods’’ which was approved. As such we were a panel discussant and presented the abstract during the session on Accelerating coastal community led conservation through sustainable blue economy for small scale fisheries. This was featured in the congress <a href="chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https:/www.4wsfcongress.com/_files/ugd/45cb94_3b2afebc1ff64954afa8ba12935b17aa.pdf">proceedings</a>. We shared our experiences on how securing sustainable small-scale fisheries and management of marine resources lies in the way fishers organize to harness and manage the fisheries resources through collective decision-making and voice and the linkage with our work on organizing fisher folks in the South West Indian Ocean (SWIO) region from a local, national and regional level for better representation and engagement in national and regional decision-making processes.</p>