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Coastal communities SWIO meeting

Scheduled on February 22, 2023

Time: 16:00:00 - 17:15:00

Location: Virtual

Coastal communities SWIO meeting
<p>SWIOTUNA attended&nbsp;a participatory discussion to develop a join plan for 2023. This meeting is held every two months to plan and identify on areas of&nbsp;collaboration&nbsp;and&nbsp;discuss on how we can address our common challenges.</p>

<p>Agenda of the meeting was to have a debrief from the previous call, discuss the scaling strategy (scaling deep, scaling up and scaling out) and have a round of updates about coastal communities work from&nbsp;&nbsp;partners (CORDIO, SWIOTUNA Finance earth and WWF SWIO)</p>

<p>Action points from the meeting was to prioritize the scaling approach for 2023 and create a learning network to build capacity of local communities to be more effective in conservation.</p>