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Side Event on Tuna Fisheries Challenges: Experiences From Small Scale Fishers In The Indian Ocean

Scheduled on May 9, 2023

Time: 09:00:00 - 17:00:00

Location: Mauritius

Side Event on Tuna Fisheries Challenges: Experiences From Small Scale Fishers In The Indian Ocean
<p>SWIOTUNA cohosted a side event during the 27th Session of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission held from 8th to 12th May 2023 at Intercontinental Mauritius resort Balaclava with Federation des Pecheurs Artisans de l&#39;Ocean Indian [FPAOI) on 9th May 2023 in Mauritius on the Challenges of Tuna fisheries in the Indian Ocean.</p>

<p>The side event was held at The Ravenala Attitude Hotel and brought together 50 delegates from small scale fisheries In Mauritius, Comoros, Seychelles, Madagascar and Reunion.</p>

<p>Objective of the meeting was to showcase the work of (SWIOTUNA), Federation des Pecheurs Artisans de l&#39;Ocean Indian (FPAOI) and small scale fishers in the SWIO countries in amplifying voice of the small scale fishers in the sustainable management of tuna and tuna like fisheries.</p>

<p>We highlighted the key challenges faced by tuna fishermen of the Indian Ocean region including the destructive impacts of over exploitation of tuna resources in the region.</p>