Side Event on Tuna Fisheries Challenges: Experiences From Small Scale Fishers In The Indian Ocean
Scheduled on May 9, 2023
Time: 09:00:00 - 17:00:00
Location: Mauritius
<p>SWIOTUNA cohosted a side event during the 27th Session of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission held from 8th to 12th May 2023 at Intercontinental Mauritius resort Balaclava with Federation des Pecheurs Artisans de l'Ocean Indian [FPAOI) on 9th May 2023 in Mauritius on the Challenges of Tuna fisheries in the Indian Ocean.</p>
<p>The side event was held at The Ravenala Attitude Hotel and brought together 50 delegates from small scale fisheries In Mauritius, Comoros, Seychelles, Madagascar and Reunion.</p>
<p>Objective of the meeting was to showcase the work of (SWIOTUNA), Federation des Pecheurs Artisans de l'Ocean Indian (FPAOI) and small scale fishers in the SWIO countries in amplifying voice of the small scale fishers in the sustainable management of tuna and tuna like fisheries.</p>
<p>We highlighted the key challenges faced by tuna fishermen of the Indian Ocean region including the destructive impacts of over exploitation of tuna resources in the region.</p>