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Webinar on Collaborative Conservation: Exploring Opportunities under the New World Trade Organization Fisheries Subsidies Agreement for SWIO Countries

Scheduled on July 24, 2023

Time: 13:00:00 - 15:00:00

Location: Virtual

Webinar on Collaborative Conservation: Exploring Opportunities under the New World Trade Organization Fisheries Subsidies Agreement for SWIO Countries
<p>WWF and SWIOTUNA jointly organized a webinar titled &ldquo;Collaborative Conservation: Exploring Opportunities under the New World Trade Organization WTO Fisheries Subsidies Agreement for SWIO Countries&rdquo; on the 24th July 2023 with the main aim of creating awareness on the various contours of the World Trade Organization agreement and tap on the opportunities available that can lead to improved national as well as regional governance frameworks and the establishment of sustainable fisheries management measures tailored to the unique characteristics of the SWIO region.</p>

<p>The main objective of the webinar was to enhance the capacity of SWIO countries CSOs on the fisheries subsidies agreement to prepare an entry point in terms of identifying other advocacy issues that the CSOs can engage in to enhance sustainable fishing practices.</p>

<p>The webinar had a total of 41 participants drawn from the SWIOTUNA member networks in Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, Madagascar, Comoros and Mauritius.</p>

<p>Also WWF took this opportunity to do a CSO capacity assessment on advocacy skills which helped in effectively planning for the training workshop in August.</p>