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Training workshop on "Enhancing Awareness and Capacity for Non-State Actors in Regional and International Instruments for the Blue Economy Sector in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) Region

Scheduled on December 4, 2023

Time: 09:00:00 - 16:30:00

Location: Mombasa, Kenya

Training workshop on "Enhancing Awareness and Capacity for Non-State Actors in Regional and International Instruments for the Blue Economy Sector in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) Region
<p>SWIOTUNA&nbsp; conducted a training workshop titled &quot;Enhancing Awareness and Capacity for Non-State Actors in Regional and International Instruments for the Blue Economy Sector in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) Region.&quot; The&nbsp;workshop was&nbsp;held at the Bliss Resort Hotel in Mombasa, Kenya&nbsp;from December 4th to 6th, 2023.<br />
The primary goal of the&nbsp;workshop was to increase the knowledge, awareness, and capabilities of non-state actors concerning regional and international instruments governing the sustainable blue economy sector, encompassing fisheries within the West Indian Ocean<br />
The workshop was attended by 46 participants, including the private sector actors, &nbsp;civil society organizations (CSOs), fishers and fish traders &nbsp;drawn from Kenya, United Republic of Tanzania, Mozambique, Mauritius, Madagascar, Seychelles and Comoros*; two experts/consultants , one representative from the Government of Kenya and one representative from Jumuia Ya Pwani (Coastal Counties Blue Economy Federation). The&nbsp;experts delivered&nbsp;technical insights and expertise on various facets pertinent to to the topics and themes of regional and international policy instruments.</p>

<p>At the end of the workshop participants&nbsp;increased their understanding and knowledge on&nbsp;the relevant regional and international legal and policy instruments and how this instruments&nbsp;can&nbsp;be impactful in bringing about improved ocean governance and accelerating the transition to inclusive sustainable blue economy in the SWIO region.</p>