Phone: +254720575050     


Scheduled on December 7, 2023

Time: 08:30:00 - 16:30:00

Location: Mombasa, Kenya

<p>SWIOTUNA recently concluded its Annual general meeting that was held at Bliss resort Mombasa Kenya on the 7th to 8th December 2023. The AGM was held on a back to back basis with training workshop &quot;Enhancing Awareness and Capacity for Non-State Actors in Regional and International Instruments for the Blue Economy Sector in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) Region.&quot; that was held from the 4th to 6th December.&nbsp;<br />
Discussions centered on sharing lessons, achievements, success stories, challenges faced, outlining future plans, and setting priorities for 2024.</p>

<p>Additionally, it provided a platform for SBE program implementers to showcase their progress and present plans for 2024, alongside sharing their advocacy strategies.&nbsp;The meeting served as an invaluable opportunity for members to exchange experiences, enabling mutual learning and potential future collaborations.</p>

<p>In attendance were 46 representatives drawn from WWF Madagascar and SWIOTUNA affiliates from Kenya (TUFAK), Tanzania (TUNA Alliance of Tanzania), Comoros (MOSC), Mozambique (FOSCAMC), Seychelles (FPAOI), and Mauritius (FPAOI)&nbsp;Tanzania (TUNA Alliance of Tanzania), Comoros (MOSC), Mozambique (FOSCAMC), Seychelles (FPAOI), and Mauritius (FPAOI).<br />
As the meeting concluded, participants expressed gratitude for the platform to share progress and learn insights from other members in terms of what they are doing. The discussions emphasized the importance of collaboration and highlighted possibilities for joint efforts among the organizations in the future</p>