Phone: +254720575050     

History of SWIOTUNA


SWIOTUNA is a regional marine-related network legally registered in Kenya as an international Non-Governmental Organization. Its membership consists of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) such as NGOs and collective action community-based organizations like fishers’ associations and beach management units, as well as the private sector. The administrative and management operations of SWIOTUNA are coordinated from its secretariat TUFAK.

SWIOTUNA was established in 2010 through a resolution of a meeting in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, of non-state actors involved in fisheries development and marine resources conservation and management. Concern about the Tuna fishing industry in the region and the exclusion of Civil Society from discussions about the marine fisheries industry prompted its formation. SWIOTUNA serves as both an advocacy-focused and knowledge-sharing network.


SWIOTUNA est un réseau régional lié à la mer légalement enregistré au Kenya en tant qu'organisation non gouvernementale internationale. Ses membres comprennent des OSC comme des ONG et des organisations communautaires telles que les associations de pêcheurs et les unités de gestion des plages, ainsi que le secteur privé. Les opérations de SWIOTUNA sont coordonnées depuis son secrétariat TUFAK.

SWIOTUNA a été créée en 2010 lors d'une réunion à Dar-es-Salaam, en Tanzanie, réunissant des acteurs non étatiques impliqués dans le développement des pêches et la gestion des ressources marines. L'exclusion de la société civile des discussions sur l'avenir de l'industrie de la pêche maritime a conduit à sa formation. SWIOTUNA agit comme un réseau de plaidoyer et de partage de connaissances.


SWIOTUNA é uma rede regional legalmente registrada no Quênia como uma organização não governamental internacional. Seus membros incluem OSCs, ONGs e organizações comunitárias como associações de pescadores e unidades de gestão de praias, além do setor privado. As operações de SWIOTUNA são coordenadas pelo seu secretariado TUFAK.

SWIOTUNA foi criada em 2010 em Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzânia, durante uma reunião de atores não estatais dedicados ao desenvolvimento pesqueiro e à gestão de recursos marinhos. A exclusão da sociedade civil das discussões sobre o futuro da pesca marítima levou à sua formação. SWIOTUNA é um espaço de advocacia e compartilhamento de conhecimento.

Our Mandate
Notre mandat
Nosso Mandato

Implement activities linked to fisheries management and adding value. The main focus is to support regional Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Private Sector (PS) in community-based initiatives to build collaborative management and value-added fisheries process in the SWIO as well as to support Community Based Natural Resource Management to improve the means of livelihoods in SWIOTUNA.

Notre mandat est de mettre en œuvre des activités liées à la gestion des pêches et à la valeur ajoutée. L'objectif principal est de soutenir les organisations régionales de la société civile (OSC) et le secteur privé (PS) dans des initiatives communautaires pour construire une gestion collaborative et un processus de pêche à valeur ajoutée dans le SWIO ainsi que pour soutenir la gestion communautaire des ressources naturelles pour améliorer les moyens de subsistance à SWIOTUNA.

mandate portogues


Objectives of the Forum
Objectifs du forum
Objetivos do Fórum

The Objectives of SWIOTUNA

  • Promote dialogue and constructive engagement around marine fisheries related issues, including tuna among the SWIOTUNA members;
  • Promote and encourage members to share experiences and best practices with potential for up scaling;
  • Build technical and advocacy capacity for the non-state actors, including CSOs, associations of small-scale fishers, the Private Sector to engage in relevant fisheries processes, including policy reform at the national and regional levels;
  • Strengthen the voice of CSOs, fisher associations and the private sector on fisheries matters in the SWIO region;
  • Raise awareness amongst CSOs/Private Sector in the SWIO region of the need to engage pro-actively in tuna/ marine fisheries related issues in member countries;
  • Assist and support members to implement recommendations produced during periodical meetings and recommendations expressed within the fisheries management organizations, including the South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission (SWIOFC), the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC);
  • Produce statements when needed to express the platform position on regional/international resolution on marine fisheries related aspects including the highly migratory tuna and tuna-like fishery;
  • Produce communication and knowledge management tools and products relating to the objectives of the platform.



Thematic Areas

Thematic Areas and Strategies
Domaines thématiques et stratégies
Áreas Temáticas e Estratégias

The forums key thematic areas and strategies include:

  • Organizational and institutional capacity strengthening
  • Policy advocacy
  • Communication and knowledge management
  • Fisheries value-chain enhancement
  • Conservation, nature-based solutions and circular economy
  • Resource mobilization and fundraising
  • Capacity building

Les principaux domaines thématiques et stratégies du forum incluent :

  • Renforcement des capacités organisationnelles et institutionnelles
  • Plaidoyer politique
  • Communication et gestion des connaissances
  • Amélioration de la chaîne de valeur de la pêche
  • Conservation, solutions basées sur la nature et économie circulaire
  • Mobilisation des ressources et collecte de fonds
  • Renforcement des capacités

As principais áreas temáticas e estratégias do fórum incluem:

  • Fortalecimento da capacidade organizacional e institucional
  • Defesa de políticas
  • Comunicação e gestão do conhecimento
  • Melhoria da cadeia de valor da pesca
  • Conservação, soluções baseadas na natureza e economia circular
  • Mobilização de recursos e captação de fundos
  • Desenvolvimento de capacidades