Empowering non-state actors and coastal communities by improving their access to credible information and knowledge, connecting science, society and policy, enhancing civic participation, engagement and collective action in processes which shape and influence policy and practice to promote transparency and accountability in the governance of fisheries and equitable benefit sharing of sustainable marine resources in South West Indian Ocean (SWIO)/ Northern Mozambique Channel (NMC) region.
Renforcer les acteurs non étatiques et les communautés côtières en améliorant leur accès à des informations et connaissances crédibles, en reliant la science, la société et les politiques, en renforçant la participation civique, l'engagement et l'action collective dans les processus qui façonnent et influencent les politiques et les pratiques pour promouvoir la transparence et la responsabilité dans la gouvernance des pêches et un partage équitable des bénéfices des ressources marines durables dans la région du Sud-Ouest de l'océan Indien (SWIO)/Canal du Mozambique du Nord (NMC).
Capacitar os atores não estatais e as comunidades costeiras, melhorando o acesso a informações e conhecimentos confiáveis, conectando ciência, sociedade e políticas, promovendo a participação cívica, o engajamento e a ação coletiva nos processos que moldam e influenciam as políticas e práticas para promover a transparência e a responsabilidade na governança da pesca e uma distribuição equitativa dos benefícios dos recursos marinhos sustentáveis na região do Sudoeste do Oceano Índico (SWIO)/Canal de Moçambique Norte (NMC).
Secteur de la pêche marine transparent et responsable et gouvernance océanique responsable avec la participation active des acteurs non étatiques et des communautés côtières, contribuant à des bénéfices économiques, sociaux et environnementaux accrus, significatifs et durables pour la région du SWIO et ses populations.
Setor pesqueiro marinho transparente e responsável e governança oceânica responsável com a participação ativa de atores não estatais e comunidades costeiras, contribuindo para benefícios econômicos, sociais e ambientais aumentados, impactantes e sustentáveis na região SWIO e seu povo.
SWIOTUNA is a regional marine-related network registered in Kenya as an international public benefit organization with its membership consisting of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), community fisheries collective action units such as Beach Management Units (BMUs) and Private Sector from the coastal nations and island states of Madagascar, Seychelles, Mauritius, Comoros, Mozambique, Tanzania and Kenya. The forum provides a capacity-building opportunity to the CSOs working on marine and fisheries-related issues to advocate for sustainable use, development, and management of marine fisheries in the South West Indian Ocean (SWIO) range states to ensure that the respective countries and local communities derive more socio-economic benefits from their fisheries resources.
Our core mandate is to EMPOWER Civil Society Organizations to ADVOCATE for good governance of marine and fisheries resources in the region to ensure that the respective countries and local communities deliver more socio- economic benefits from these resources.
Partnerships and alliances is a key approach to delivering on all our strategic objectives. We recognize the diversity of the many different relationships which are necessary if we are to become a more effective organization. Partnerships with social movements and people’s organizations that genuinely represent their members can build greater legitimacy and pressure for change. Working in coalitions and alliances can mean that actors are more effective in campaigning and mass mobilization than they would be alone, relationships with academic and research institutions can help to improve our rigour and deepen the evidence base for our work. Working with governments will increase our legitimacy and provide an opportunity to influence decisions and actions related to our work.
Through developing good practices in partnership we are able to empower people to become rights holders claiming their rights and holding to account the people and institutions meant to deliver on these rights. If we work in partnership with a variety of organizations, we can campaign more effectively for structural change. We can work to mobilize others in civil society, to act in solidarity. This diversity of relationships recognizes the complexity of the world today and makes our work more effective.
The forums key thematic areas and strategies include:
Les principaux domaines thématiques et stratégies du forum incluent :
As principais áreas temáticas e estratégias do fórum incluem: