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South West Indian Ocean Tuna Forum (SWIOTUNA)

SWIOTUNA is a regional marine-related network registered in Kenya as an international public benefit organization with its membership consisting of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), community fisheries collective action units such as Beach Management Units (BMUs) and Private Sector from the coastal nations and island states of Madagascar, Seychelles, Mauritius, Comoros, Mozambique, Tanzania and Kenya.

In Kenya we work with Tuna Fisheries Alliance of Kenya (TuFAK), in Tanzania we work with Tuna Alliance of Tanzania (TUNA), in Mozambique we work with Forum for CSOs for Marine and Coastal Areas (FOSCAMC), in Madagascar we work with Coalition Nationale de Plaidoyer Environmental (CNPE)

The forum provides a capacity building opportunity to the CSOs working on marine and fisheries related issues to advocate for sustainable use, development, and management of marine fisheries in the South West Indian Ocean (SWIO) range states with a view to ensuring that the respective countries and local communities derive more socio- economic benefits from their fisheries resources.

Our core mandate is to EMPOWER Civil Society Organizations to ADVOCATE for good governance of marine and fisheries resources in the region to ensure that the respective countries and local community deriver more socio economic benefits from this resources

SWIOTUNA members, relevant partner CSOs, development partners and government agencies in the respective countries in the SWIO have been working closely to establishing and strengthening co-management structures on the ground, including participatory community enforcement, monitoring, and surveillance (MCS), establishment of no-take zones/ closures and improvement of artisanal fisheries data collection system .

SWIOTUNA est un réseau régional lié à la mer légalement enregistré au Kenya en tant qu'organisation non gouvernementale internationale. Ses membres sont des organisations de la société civile (OSC) telles que Organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) et action collective des organisations communautaires telles que les associations de pêcheurs et les unités de gestion des plages, ainsi que le secteur privé. les opérations de gestion de SWIOTUNA sont coordonnées à partir de son secrétariat TUFAK.
SWIOTUNA é uma rede regional marítima legalmente registrado no Quênia como uma organização não governamental internacional. Seus membros são Organizações da Sociedade Civil (OSC), como Organizações Não Governamentais (ONGs) e ação coletiva organizações de base comunitária, como associações de pescadores e unidades de gestão de praia, bem como do setor privado. as operações de gestão da SWIOTUNA são coordenadas desde o seu secretariado TUFAK.

Thematic Areas and Strategies
Domaines thématiques et stratégies
Áreas Temáticas e Estratégias

The forums key thematic areas and strategies include:

  • Organizational and institutional capacity strengthening
  • Policy advocacy
  • Communication and knowledge management
  • Fisheries value-chain enhancement
  • Conservation, nature-based solutions and circular economy
  • Resource mobilization and fundraising
  • Capacity building